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Home Tour: "Latin America's Best Modern Homes"

Photo by Matthew Williams

We already shared with you what makes Latin American design one of the best aesthetics out there in our recent blog post "What Is Latin Design?" and this article in Dwell by Kelsey Keith takes that a step further by showcasing some of the best modern homes in Latin America. Through carefully designed furniture and intricate architecture, these designers and architects truly make breathtaking homes!

Home of architect José Roberto Paredes set in the rainforest in El Salvador. Photo by Paco Perez.

Home of Ecuador based designers blending architecture into nature. Photo by Joao Canziani.

Renovated home in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Architect Nataniel Fúster designed tiles with active patterns. Photo by Raimund Koch.

Green house near coast of El Salvador captures nature at its finest. Photo by Jason Bax.

Home of photographer Reinaldo Cóser above São Paulo virtually without any walls. Photo by Cristóbal Palma.

Casa Deck by São Paulo architect Isay Weinfeld is the perfect escape from the busy city. Photo by Matthew Williams.

Home of furniture designer Alejandro Sticotti in Buenos Aires. Photo by Cristóbal Palma.

In the home above, you may notice the classic BKF chair which is one of our most popular items at Diseño. They're comfortable and give a modern yet vintage vibe once you know the history behind them. See our collection of BKF chairs here with the choice of leather or hide cover seatings!

Cheers, Frank Campanale

updated: 5 years ago

Remodeling and Home Design