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Some thoughts on the state of boutique retail, 2018

Some thoughts on the state of boutique retail 2018
For those of us who make their living in small business retail, it is an understatement to say that things have changed. With the explosion of online shopping, and especially the bigger players, who can offer discounts, free delivery, often within a day, generous return policies, vast offerings and a captive millenial audience, and who often times look to the boutiques for product and concept ideas, us little guys are left struggling to stay alive.

It's not that people don't care for what we offer, or even for our prices, more likely choices are made based purely upon convenience, and perhaps a bit of "this will do, this is good enough". With so many other distractions, from work, to children and pets, not to mention the onslaught of marketing noise, it is a wonder that some can survive.

The other factor that I surmise, is that people's general shopping habits have changed. Gone largely are the days when folks shopped for recreation. Buying habits are more about needs. What do I need, what have I needed for weeks or months or even years, that I have not taken care of, and that now finally I can get it cheaper, faster and from the comfort of my home or work desktop, tablet or phone. Millenials supposedly care less about stuff than previous generations, more about "experiences". And being such a large block of the buying public, they shape the trends.

What do you think???
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